When creating content for your website, social media or other online communications, you may think that the more facts and information that you provide, the better your message will come across. While everyone loves a strong sense of knowledge, it’s an emotional connection that will really hit home with your audience.

Think about the number of commercials you see on a daily basis. In 30 seconds or less, brands must inspire, instill strong feelings, and more importantly, connect with their market and give them something they can grab onto and relate to. Your content needs to do the same.

Generally, people make most of their decisions based on how they’re feeling, so think about how you want your audience to feel. Creating dynamic content that speaks to that and forging positive connections with your audience can help increase sales and promote brand loyalty further down the line.

Here are a few things to think about when it comes to creating emotional content.

Developing Emotional Touchpoints

First, consider what type of emotion you want to convey. It’s not just enough to convey an idea. You have to make sure you are conveying the right emotion along with it and taking your content in the right direction.

There are a few factors that come into play with emotion that can help you make your decision.


Different people resonate with different types of content. Maybe you want to use humour in your writing. You should ask yourself which group you will primarily be targeting and remember that people of different ages will have different senses of humour. What will strike a chord with millennials for example, may not have the same impact with an older demographic.

To take this a step further, create personalized content for your audience by developing a psychological profile of them. Learn what motivates them, what they connect with, their fears and desires. These are all things that can help create a stronger bond between you and your consumer, as well as define the emotional scale of your audience.


What are you about? What’s your story? People like facts, but they love stories. Use emotion to tell your brand story, whether that’s fun and uplifting or more serious and critical for people to take action with.

The emotions that you target will be ones that align with your brand messaging and what you are trying to achieve with it. For example, if you’re a premium business selling high end products, you’ll likely want to convey feelings of luxury and class through your messaging, whereas a toy company may create a marketing campaign that shows a sense of fun and adventure through images and colours. Alternatively, a sports company will likely use high energy, positive language and word choices to invoke feelings of inspiration and victory.

Your brand also helps you to narrow down what emotions will be suitable for your campaign. It’s unlikely that you’ll target emotions like sadness or fear, if your brand is all about happiness, fun and positivity.


Finally, there are some ‘emotional hooks’ you can use for impact. Simple techniques such as adding humour, or using unanswered questions in your content, can really drive up the emotional factor and help you reach out to your audience.

Creating a feeling of belonging is also a great tool to use. People need to feel important, liked, and accepted. Content that makes people feel like part of an exclusive group can be very effective. You can create a strong brand image and nurture a sense of exclusivity around your brand/content.

There are a wide variety of techniques to build emotion with your audience and these are only a few to help get you started. If you’re looking to create more emotional content and need some extra help, contact us today to see how we can work together on some powerful messages!