Why We Love Writing

From entrepreneurs to business executives, whatever the industry, we all have our passions. For many writers, the root of their passion often starts at an early age with a love of words, reading and stories. Ask any group of writers what it is they love the most about writing and you’ll likely get a variety of insightful, creative and interesting answers.
Just as no two writers are the same, no two reasons are similar when it comes to what drives us to communicate our thoughts, investigate ideas and share stories. We all have such a wide range of experiences and sources for inspiration, topics we love to explore, and subjects we’re more naturally drawn to than others, that it’s amazing to hear what motivates us to do what we love.
We asked our team what their thoughts were about why they love writing – check out some of their answers:
- “I love having a creative outlet and feeling accomplished after writing a particularly interesting piece! It’s so nice to use my brain in such a different way, than my usual day to day mom and working life.” – Nancy Clark
- “Writing feeds the curious mind. Working at Creative Campbellville brings me new topics and new challenges with each assignment. All of our clients are experts at what they do and its a pleasure to take the time to step into their world.” – Adrian Beattie
- “I love writing from a personal perspective, because I find it enjoyable! Writing provides me with an avenue to clear my head and articulate my thoughts. I also enjoy the creative process of writing, forcing yourself to think outside of the box and translate information to people in a way that they will find it fun and engaging. I write creatively and reflectively as a hobby, and have translated this love for writing into my position with Creative Campbellville and my academic endeavours as I write research papers for my Masters program. I think that writing is an important communication tool – once ideas are written down, they can be shared and remembered.” – Carly MacArthur
- “I love the art of writing because of the freedom that it offers. You can freely choose the tone you write in, the terminology you want and the message you want to convey. It’s such a simple art form to embrace. You only need a pad of paper and a pencil or pen to open unlimited doors to an endless array of possibilities and ideas. The only limit is your own imagination. No matter how many people may think that the written word is a dead medium, they just haven’t unleashed their thoughts, hopes, dreams or ideas lately. And if they did, they would most likely have the fire of imagination spark inside themselves once again.” – Matt Howell
- “There’s something very satisfying about writing. It’s kind of like the feeling you get (if you’re an organized person) when you organize your sweater drawer. You fold and fit everything perfectly, arrange by color or knit weight, and look back on a pristine drawer. I suppose what I’m saying is that organizing ideas in writing is satisfying in some way that scratches my neat-freak itch. It’s also a bit of a collector’s urge. I might scour the internet or interview notes looking for just the right idea to fit into my writing the way a collector looks for a specific mineral, coin, or Christmas antique. Maybe we don’t know exactly what we’re looking for, but we know when we find it. Fitting that unique object or idea into the collection, the writing, is a joy.” – Ellysa Chenery
You may love writing or you may not consider yourself much of a writer at all, but everyone has a story to tell! Do you love writing? Let us know!