The 3 R’s of Blogging – Recycle, Reuse, Repost

Writing a captivating and informative blog requires time and effort. All too often, that post is put out into the world to be read within minutes by a targeted audience and sometimes neglected afterward. However, there are several ways to get more out of a single post of content to help you maximize your efforts.
This post will help you consider creative ways to recycle, reuse and repost one piece of your content to get the most out of your time and resources.
Tip #1: Update Your Examples
If you have written a piece that covers a key subject which is still timely and relevant today, an effective way to recycle it is by repurposing the overall subject matter and content. You can do this simply by adding some new examples or case studies to your context. Ensure that the data is current, that it’s relatable to today’s audiences, and don’t forget to cite your sources or point to additional sources if the reader would like to get more information.
Tip #2: Switch Up the Delivery Platform
If you have written a blog that has been particularly well received and you have the capacity to do so, consider repurposing the content into a new delivery platform such as a podcast, video or infographic. According to the Social Science Research Network, 65% of the population are visual learners, so producing a visual that can be readily shared provides a unique opportunity to reuse your content while creating the potential to reach new viewers.
Tip #3: Create a Summary
Most people are restricted by busy schedules and cannot find the opportunity to set aside the time they would like to read every blog article they find interesting. Readers crave the highlights, or in other words the most interesting points. Consider publishing a monthly blog or e-newsletter that summarizes or curates the most engaging posts from the month in an accessible way for readers to soak up the most valuable information without having to commit a lot of time. In this way you’re providing timely information in bite-sized pieces that keep your audience interested and more top of mind.
Tip #4: Advertise Old Posts Somewhere New
If you have older content that you’re not sure what to do with, consider advertising it in new ways. For instance, if you’ve run out of ideas for your social media posts, sharing a link to an old blog is a great way to grab new readers by pulling out an interesting concept from the content and posing it as a question or poll. You can also do this through e-news or through a guest post on a similar site with the information updated and reflected to suit an alternate audience.
Tip #5: Create a Series
If you have written on a topic that received positive feedback or requests for more information, consider turning it into a series. Readers love to know that they are being left with more to come. Creating a series allows you to do a lot of the research and brainstorming at once, while saving content for a number of blogs.
Recycling, reusing and re-posting your content requires almost as much creativity as writing it in the first place! The bottom line is to identify audiences you have not yet reached and determine how you can get to them while also considering different formats to present already existing content in a new engaging way.
Give your work the credit it deserves by taking it as far as you can! If you need some help with the direction of your content, please reach out to us.