The Kidney Voucher Programaplaceformom.com
Learn more about the Kidney Voucher Program and how it's reducing the burden of dialysis, reducing wait lists and providing hope to people with kidney disease.… more
Learn more about the Kidney Voucher Program and how it's reducing the burden of dialysis, reducing wait lists and providing hope to people with kidney disease.… more
A 10-year study found the number of older adults engaged in “high-risk drinking” has increased by a staggering 65%. Read more about alcohol abuse in seniors.… more
Nursing home care admission rates are substantially greater than research suggested. Read more about the study that shows half of Americans will need care.… more
The activities and actions involved in creating and leaving a legacy can be a powerful coping tool for you and the people around you.… more
When grandparents experience the loss of a grandchild, they mourn on many levels. Read tips on how to support a grandparent during this time.… more
Cataracts grow to cause serious issues. Tackling the problem early on reduces the impact on your vision. Read what to expect from a cataract surgery.… more
Recent studies show evidence of a link between crashes and falling. Should a senior who has fallen give up the keys? Read more.… more
Aging Americans are returning to the job market. Out of choice or necessity, here are some of the top second careers for seniors being explored.… more
The "Old People Are Cool" campaign has garnered international attention and success. Read more about the campaign against ageism and how to get involved.… more
Is resilience developed or is it inherent? See why studies define it as a process and read how seniors can develop a resilience toolkit.… more
Why are hospital patients not being discharged to top facilities? The question's raised much discussion around hospital discharge planners. Read more.… more
Choosing where to spend your golden years is a tough decision. Read more about the things to check out before you check in to your community.… more