Whether you are just starting out as blogger, write for fun or are looking to get into a content rich industry, creating a consistent amount of interesting and informative content is an everyday battle. To rise to the challenge, you need to have the right tools to be able to produce the proper words that will help you connect with your readers.


Here are 10 tips from other professional writers to help get you in the right headspace and become the best wordsmith you can be.


  1. Always be thinking of possible ideas that could be used for a future project and never stop planning ahead for the next blog or article. Like most things, gathering ideas becomes easier the more you do it. Keep notes in an idea book or on your phone no matter how small or grand the idea is.
  2. Never stop researching. Even if you’re not working on a particular project, always strive to learn more about everything. Knowledge on a variety of topics will help you in your writing. If you don’t know much about a particular topic, delve into it and see what you can find out. You can never research too much.
  3. Respect your readers. This is done by researching, fact-checking and verifying any information that is included in your writing. Use multiple sources when researching and cite those sources. Your readers deserve the truth and they will continue to read your work if they feel that you value them and their time.
  4. Take occasional breaks to let you and your writing breathe. This can be as simple as going for walk or grabbing a coffee. Moving away from your writing for even 10 minutes can allow you catch things you’ve missed when you go to re-read or edit it. A fresh set of eyes can work wonders. Also, don’t force your writing. Readers can sense when someone is trying too hard or if the author’s heart isn’t into it.
  5. Write concisely. This doesn’t mean always using the short form of words, but it also doesn’t mean filling space with flowery and excessively long paragraphs. Allow your reader to obtain the main information they are looking for as quickly and accurately as possible. The sooner you get a reader hooked, the better chance you have of them sticking with you for the entire ride.
  6. Be consistent in the way your write. This means following the same style throughout every project you take on. It can be as simple as something like writing out the word ‘percent’ in one paragraph but then adding ‘%’ in the next. No matter the topic or tone of the piece you’re working on, use the same voice every time. Your readers will come to expect a certain style of writing that you offer, so make sure you stay consistent with that style.
  7. Stay relevant with your writing. Although researching is important, as stated above, only include the necessary information in your piece. Too much information can suffocate your main point and can stop the reader from getting what they are looking to gain from your writing. Summarize all key information if at all possible.
  8. Read your writing out loud to yourself. You would be amazed at the grammatical errors that be discovered by simply reading your work out loud. This can also help with finding sentences or paragraphs that run on too long, and for finding phrases or jargon that you may want to exclude from the final product.
  9. Use examples when appropriate. The human mind likes to be able to refer things to mental imagery. If you can give brief examples of a point you are trying to make or explain, the reader can then visualize what you’re trying to convey. This can help the reader become more invested in your writing as they now have pictures in their head to go along with your words.
  10. Always write in your own voice and don’t try to be someone that you’re not. You have a distinct and unique voice unlike anyone else. Use it proudly to create fun, exciting and informative content. If you haven’t found your voice yet, don’t worry it will come with practice. Read the work of some of your favourite authors and think about what you like about them. Look for some of those traits in your own writing. Eventually, you will be able to form your own voice. Keep writing, researching and learning, but never forget to have fun while doing it.


Need more writing or editing help? Two sets of eyes are always better than one and we’d be happy to help! Contact us anytime.